I've often asked myself what drives me to create, what inspires me. Over the years, I've developed a theory that there are three main drivers that inspire me to create. It is particularly applicable to my experience as a photographer, which is why I am publishing this article on my photography blog, but it can also be true for many other forms of creation. After thinking about this theory for several years, I realized that it applied to a lot of different artists, and that almost every art piece can be seen through this prism. We can represent these sources of inspiration in a triangle. VISION DRIVEN: A Vision Driven idea came to you from sheer inspiration. I will not go in to dream interpretation, as I am not a specialist, but it represents an idea that came from within, either in a dream or a burst of inspiration, or after going through a multitude of sources of inspiration and processing the most potent ideas into something personal. TOOL DRIVEN: A Tool Driven idea came to ...
I designed this little adapter for my Kodak Kodamatic 6 x 10 camera. The camera looks really cool and folds up so it's easy to carry. As such, I don't know if all the designs are identical throughout 616 cameras. But if you want to shoot panoramic-ish medium format photos on a budget, try it out! And let me know how it went. BUY THE 120 FILM ADAPTER FOR 616 CAMERA (Tested with Kodak Kodamatic No. 2)